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Town of Superior's Sustainability Action Plan Dashboard

Welcome to the Town of Superior's Sustainability Action Plan Dashboard. This is still in its initial testing phase, so we welcome any feedback that you may have. Please contact the Sustainability Team with comments or questions.

The Town of Superior's first Sustainability Action Plan, approved in 2022, serves as a guide for Town leadership, residents, businesses and staff to advance sustainability in the community. The strategies of this plan, once implemented, will reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions, improve social equity, promote good stewardship of the environment and create a stronger economy.

Community-wide GHG emissions

The Town of Superior aims to reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions over time:

2025: 25% below 2016 emissions

2030: 60% below 2016 emissions

2050: NET-ZERO

On the year 2016 Community-wide GHG emissions was 110 MMT CO₂e. Latest observed value in 2021 was 96 MMT CO₂e. The goal for the year 2025 is 82.38 MMT CO₂e. Since 2016 reduction is 14.0 MMT CO₂e. 13.620000000000005 MMT CO₂e still needs to be reduced before the year 2025.110 MMT CO₂eReduced MMT CO₂e96 MMT CO₂eLeft to reduce13.62 MMT CO₂e82.38 MMT CO₂eGoal201620212025