State law adopted in 2019 requires Xcel Energy, the Town’s electricity and natural utility, to adopt a clean energy plan to reduce GHG emissions 80% by 2030. Key actions for the Town to take to further drive down emissions associated with energy include identifying opportunities to reduce energy-related dependency on fossil fuels including coal and natural gas; improving energy efficiency; and investing in regional renewable energy. These key strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will lead to a more resilient energy system in Superior.

Eliminate the consumption of fossil fuels in Superior.
Energy in Superior
The Town owns and operates facilities throughout the community. Currently, the Town facilities receive 100% of electricity needs from onsite solar arrays coupled with Xcel Energy’s Renewable*Connect program. Participation in the Renewable*Connect program allowed the Town to transition away from carbon-based fuels for electricity, and actions in this plan will lead to ongoing evaluation of where the Town can add renewable energy, reduce dependency on natural gas, and create more efficient facilities.
The Energy Action Plan effort is led by the Advisory Committee for Environmental Sustainability (ACES) and is a collaboration between the Town of Superior and Xcel Energy’s Partners in Energy program. The plan outlines key strategies to connect residents and businesses with information and financial resources to take meaningful action to reduce energy use by the end of 2022. Adopted by the Town Board in January 2021, it focuses efforts in four key areas:
- Engages residents and businesses in energy efficiency and renewable energy programs
- Promotes energy efficient new development
- Encourages and provides resources for the Town to convert its fleet to electric vehicles and
- Expands energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at Town-owned facilities.
The Town began implementation of the plan by completing energy audits on Town-owned buildings, replacing two fleet vehicles with electric, installing two additional EV charging stations and kicking-off a Town-wide Home Energy Challenge, a friendly competition among neighborhoods to see which one can reduce the most energy usage. Efforts to engage businesses is also underway and the Town is working with builders to incorporate more energy efficiency measures into future housing developments.
By Mike Foster, ACES Chair (2022)
Click below to see the progress made towards each goal.
Municipal: Reduce municipal building and facility energy use intensity by 3% annually over 2019 baseline
Municipal: Continue to receive 100% of municipal electric needs from carbon-free sources and increase onsite renewable energy
Residential: Reduce electricity use by 2% annually and natural gas consumption by 2% annually through 2030
Residential: Achieve 90% of residential electric needs from carbon-free sources by 2030
Commercial: Reduce combined electricity and natural gas use by 3% annually through 2030
Click below to explore the actions that contribute to each Energy Strategy.