The transportation sector is responsible for almost 40% of Town-wide GHG emissions. As the Town’s population increases over the next decade, it is critical that programs and policies are put in place to curb transportation-associated emissions and provide sustainable transportation options to Superior residents that are both equitable and affordable. There are several existing plans in place that the strategies of this plan build upon.

Support environmentally sustainable, equitable, and accommodating transportation choices.
Transportation in Superior
The Town completed a Transportation Plan Update in 2014 that provides a long-range evaluation of future mobility needs and identifies solutions that guide the Town’s future transportation investments. This plan is implemented by the Public Works Department and includes goals for creating a multi-modal transportation system to efficiently meet the local and regional transportation needs, while minimizing negative environmental and community impacts.
The Colorado Energy Office adopted an EV Plan in 2020 that sets a target of 940,000 light-duty EVs on the road in Colorado by 2030. The plan also aims to increase statewide EV infrastructure needed to support these light-duty vehicles and develops partnerships to support local governments in electrifying their fleets.
The strategies outlined in this plan complement the goals of the Transportation Plan Update and the Colorado EV Plan that are focused on electric vehicle adoption and reduction of singleoccupancy vehicle use in the community. There are opportunities to reduce transportationassociated GHG emissions through building codes, program and partnership development, Town policies and community incentives and education.
A common concern for consumers around electric vehicle purchases is the availability of charging in public places and at commercial locations. The Town of Superior strives to remove this barrier by increasing access to charging at Town-owned facilities and parks. Currently, the Town operates five EV charging stations, each of which have two charging ports. These are located at Community Park, Town Hall, Founders Park, Superior Plaza (near Bambei Brewing), and the Superior Community Center. These chargers were funded in part by the Charge Ahead Colorado grant program administered by the Colorado Energy Office. The Town will continue to assess opportunities to install EV charging on Town-owned properties. Additionally, the Town will work with businesses to educate them on grant opportunities for charging infrastructure, and will educate residents about the ease of charging your vehicle at home.
Click below to see the progress made towards each goal.
Click below to explore the actions that contribute to each Transportation Strategy.