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Focus Area

Regeneration and Natural Environment

Establish and maintain healthy and vibrant ecosystems that sustain all species, along with our human population.

Regeneration and Natural Environment in Superior

The Town is responsible for maintaining nearly 600 acres of parks and open space property which provide invaluable habitat for many species of wildlife and plant communities, offer miles of trail systems and enhance livability, and access to the outdoors for all Superior residents. Approximately 170 acres of the land the Town maintains is comprised of turf grass.

The Town developed a Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails Master Plan in 2021 with the purpose of “Encouraging vibrant and meaningful community by providing exceptional parks, facilities, open space, events and services.” The PROST plan encompasses a broad range of focus areas from Growing and Maintaining the Park System to Recreation Programming.

The strategies in this plan seek support the strategies in the PROST plan associated with ecosystem health by integrating sustainable management practices into existing Town operations. The strategies also address opportunities to educate the public on the value of ecosystem health, and how they can make a difference.

Superior has been a Tree City USA Community for 18 years and counting. Each year, the community celebrates Arbor Day, a nationally recognized event that promotes increasing the tree population to enhance quality of life. Arbor day in Superior includes a tree planting by community volunteers, family activities focused around nature, and environmental stewardship education. In 2020 and 2021, Town staff adapted to the challenges of the global pandemic and organized a virtual arbor day for residents!